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What Is butt lift?

It’s natural for weight loss, aging, and pregnancy to decrease your butt’s natural pert and plumpness.
If this is something you’ve noticed and are concerned about, you might be considering a Sculptra butt lift. This treatment is a minimally invasive, low-risk, nonsurgical option that can enhance the curve and shape of your butt.
Sculptra is a type of dermal filler, so in order to get this treatment, you have to be healthy enough to get dermal fillers. If you don’t smoke, are physically healthy, and have realistic goals for the results of this procedure, you may be a candidate for a Sculptra butt lift.
How does a Sculptra butt lift work?
A Sculptra butt lift works differently than other kinds of dermal fillers.
Instead of adding volume outright the way that hyaluronic acid ingredients would, Sculptra injects something called poly-L-lactic acid into your dermal layers. This substance works to kick-start your body’s natural collagen production mechanism.
Since collagen is the protein that gives your skin its structure and shape, Sculptra injections fill out the area under your butt with a curved shape that looks natural and fits with your body type.
The building of collagen takes several weeks to months. This means you’ll likely need several injections to see improvement in volume and shape.
Sculptra dermal filler isn’t currently FDA-approved for use on any part of your body except for your face. Sculptra for your butt is considered an off-label use, so there isn’t a lot of clinical data about results to expect.
Anecdotally, many people who get this treatment report being pleased with their results.
Procedure for a Sculptra butt lift
When you arrive for your appointment, you will be given a paper gown to wear and instructed to put it on.
Next, your provider will instruct you to lay comfortably on your stomach. Your provider or an assistant will swab the area of your injection with alcohol to sterilize it and reduce the risk of infection.
Depending on your preference and your provider’s recommendation, you may have an anesthetic applied topically to your butt to reduce any discomfort you feel during the injection.
The injection process itself will only take a few moments as your provider uses sterilized equipment to inject Sculptra into your buttocks.
After the injections are completed, you may receive a bandage on the area where the shots were inserted. You can get dressed as usual and are clear to drive immediately afterward.
Not to get ahead of ourselves, why is Cоllаgеn so crucial? Collagen іѕ a natural рrоtеіn found throughout the bоdу, it provides the skin with structure, elasticity, and vibrancy. At a young age, we have plenty of it and it is naturally replenished by the body; unfоrtunаtеlу, аѕ we аgе the bоdу produces lеѕѕ соllаgеn. This lеаdѕ to wrinkle formation, loss of ѕkіn еlаѕtісіtу аnd fіrmnеѕѕ. Therefore, stimulating collagen рrоduсtіоn саn іmрrоvе thе lооk аnd tеxturе оf уоur skin, lеѕѕеn thе appearance of fine lines аnd wrіnklеѕ.
Another added benefit of BB Glоw treatment resides in the serums, which are made from purely natural and potent nutrients. Microneedling technique used to apply BB Glow serums help them penetrate deeper into the skin delivering the nourishing components where they will have the most benefit.
Targeted areas
Sculptra butt lift targets your buttocks and gluteal area. Unlike other procedures that harvest fat through liposuction, Sculptra butt lift only impacts your butt area.